We were walking down Market street as we heard some voices over a megaphone and a crowd was gathered around at what looked like a new gay bar opening. We wanted to see what there was to see, so we filed over to the opening. There were about 12 men standing in just brief style underwear shouting for everyone to come over. There was a mattress that was covered in oil and then two men went over and started wrestling each other on this mattress in the middle of the market street sidewalk. As this was happening, the guy with the microphone started trying to line up the next set of men to wrestle. This was a new one to me. I didn't have my camera with me, so I had to take this picture using my phone, so sorry about the small picture. If you look past all of the people taking pictures, you can see the wrestling.
just like the cool whip wrestling you partook in back in the day Jon...