Found this set at a mall yesterday near Union Square. It is the "grow up to be gay" gift set. Sorry the picture is so small; it was taken on my phone. I will try to see if I can get it to be enlarged. One thing that happened yesterday was while we sold a few things on craigslist. A guy called and told me that his name was Belk and that it was spelled B-E-L-K. After confirming that he wanted the item, he asked me if I had spelled his name correctly. I just said sure and he said he would be over in about 15 minutes. After waiting an hour a guy was standing at the door and it was Belk. After not understanding what he was trying to sell I sold him the item and he left. About 10 minutes later I get a call from Belk asking if I am still there and he is still interested in the items. I told him that he already bought them from me and he said that he did not and that he would be back in ten minutes. He might have been a bit confused, and we did not see him again.
sounds as if BELK was a bit confused. Did u sell him the "how to be gay" starter kit? Here we thought our neighborhood was a bit odd. =)