Saw a large accident happen today. I was near where Market, Church and 14th all intersect and heard a huge boom sound. I thought a street car hit a car. Almost sounded like a bomb went off in the Church Muni station. I just kept walking as if it was another sound in San Francisco. Everyone started running over. When I saw the accident it looked like someone had fallen asleep or something and sideswiped 2 cars, pushed one up onto the handicap ramp for the street car and slammed into the back of the last one. There was a guy screaming in pain and couldn't get out of his car because the door was smashed against the ramp. I tried to call 911, but was on hold for 3 minutes before I got through to someone. By that time the fire truck had already arrived. Anyway, just something you don't see everyday in the castro. For the amount of crazy driving there is here, it is rare to see a large accident.