We found our building twin! There are two other buildings in the city (that we know of) that are identical to ours. Right down to the terazzo tile and marble entryway! They must have been built by the same person over 100 years ago.
Another day on Castro Street and another great find. I wonder what they could even be talking about. There was nothing special even happening on the street, so I wonder if this is a normal outfit.
We heard that Brittany Spears was having a free concert in SF, so we thought we would go check it out. We wanted to see the crowd more than the people. In the end, we didn't see the concert, but it was worth going to see this person.
Ok so technically this is not a San Francisco related post. This is the gum that was in Jon's sheets in our hostel in NYC a few months ago. When we took the sheets downstairs to get new ones, the response from the front desk was 'well I guess it could have been worse'!
We have been spending Sundays at Baker Beach. It is a nice place to get away from the city and still be in the city. It seems like most of the tourists stay away from this spot too, which makes it even nicer.
This was another nice looking vehicle I saw in Pacifica. Take some time to look at this one. There are many hidden objects you may not notice at first glance. I think there is a grill hidden somewhere in there. The surf board is the most obviously. Let me know what other hidden treasures you find.
I was looking out the window and discovered this... Whatever it was seemed to be really intoxicated and hung onto the telephone pole until it was confident that it could stay balanced enough to walk to the next one.
We were walking around in the Mission and came back to see this. We thought we might have been the next target, but apparently everyone just became sensitive after word got out about the arsonist.
This is a picture from when there was an arsonist running around the neighborhood. There were 4 fires in 24 hours. We snapped this picture when we heard about it.
This post has been long overdue. We hope to start posting new images again on this blog so let's start off by doing this one. I have several pictures that I have snapped on my phone and just haven't gotten around to posting them on here.
This was probably from back in January, but just another normal day on Castro Street.