First of all, we have been really busy and have been neglecting the blog, but more pictures to come!
So this evening we were walking home from running errands. As we were walking a homeless man was walking near us. Suddenly, after grumbling something about how dare we talk so close to him, he lunged at us-and started chasing us-yelling. I started yelling, and I think Jon let out a couple of explatives. I bee-lined across the street and hid behind a gay couple who had heard me yelling. Jon (being the more level-headed one) was already on the phone calling the police to report the man and to make sure he wasn't coming back. After thanking my fellow San Franciscians for seeing me through my panic, we went and looked for the man, who had apparently headed down Market street scaring more people. When the cops showed up they were very understanding, and went to look for the guy where we saw him last. A woman who had seen the incident even offered to describe him.
The reality is, homelessness is more common than anyone likes to see. It's sad, and (sometimes) really scary. I hope the police find him, but only so that he can get help. Needless to say-tomorrow we'll be making shopping trip to pick up some MACE!